Monday, February 15, 2021

Lichen planus: Causes, symptoms, and treatments

One way to identify lichen planus is by looking at your skin in a light microscope. Lichen planus lesions will typically have many small bumps on them. They may also be smooth or fibrous, and may have a slightly greenish tint. If you are experiencing symptoms of lichen planus, the first step is to find and diagnose the condition. Lichen planus can be a difficult condition to identify, but there are several steps you can take to help make the diagnosis.

lichen planus home remedies treatment

They include azelaic acid , methotrexate , and alitretinoin . There is evidence that these medications are effective in treating Lichen Planus lesions, but they have side effects that should be considered before taking them. Lichen planus is a chronic disease which affects the skin, mouth, scalp, nails, and genitals. It is a painful and disturbing condition as it causes itching which can be unbearable sometimes. Usually, individuals suffering from lichen planus end up visiting a conventional doctor for quick relief. Lichen planus is a condition that causes purple lesions on the skin and/or inside the mouth.

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Calcineurin inhibitors, similar to oral drugs used to prevent rejection of transplanted organs, may be effective for treating oral lichen planus. But these medications have a Food and Drug Administration warning because of an unclear association with cancer. Lichen planus is a skin condition that causes patches of thick, purple-to-red skin. It’s thought to be caused by an overgrowth of yeast and/or bacterial cells in the skin. In this article, you’ll learn about how lichen planus can be treated at home with home remedies like olive oil, lemon juice, tea tree oil and witch hazel.

One study revealed, in the case of oral lichen planus, applying turmeric ointment on the mouth sores for 3 months removed the signs completely in patients. A couple of small clinical trials have suggested the benefit of aloe vera gel for treating lichen planus of the mouth and vulva. Light therapy Light therapy may help clear up lichen planus affecting the skin.

Natural Treatments for Lichen Planus

A recent study shows that its active principle curcumin is shown to have immune modulatory effects. Since lichen planus is autoimmune disease it becomes important that the immunity should be upto the mark so as to fight back the disease more effectively. Local application of turmeric on lichen planus lesions or boiled turmeric water used for gargling in cases of oral lichen planus helps in supporting the treatment. It reduces the local inflammation and soothes that area, thereby accelerating the healing process. In more severe lichen planus, physicians may recommend oral medications or therapy with ultraviolet light.

Some drugs, such as those containing arsenic, bismuth, or gold, can produce an eruption that appears identical to lichen planus. Exposure to certain chemicals used in the development of color photographs can also produce a similar rash. The long-term use of the drugs quinacrine or quinidine , may produce hypertrophic lichen planus of the lower legs. Turmeric, although a culinary ingredient, has a vital role to play as a potential remedy for how to get rid of lichen planus.

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For example, you may need to switch medications or avoid offending allergens. Your doctor may refer you to an allergist or, in the case of a hepatitis C infection, a specialist in liver disease for further treatment. Medications and other treatments might help relieve itching, ease pain and promote healing. Talk with your doctor to weigh the potential benefits against possible side effects of treatment.

During treatment, schedule regular follow-up visits with your primary care provider to check for secondary infections and receive treatment. Not treating secondary infections may worsen the condition. If you are unable to find any abnormalities with a light microscope, you may need to take a sample of your skin for analysis. You can do this by using a Q-tip and special wipes that are available from your doctor or pharmacy. Make sure to tell your doctor or pharmacist what type of lichen planus you are experiencing, so they can provide the best treatment for you. It contains herbal components that are excellent for skin health and human health.

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Mild cases require no treatment by the doctor, except for occasional checkups. When it affects the skin, it usually clears by itself within several months. Treatment focuses on easing symptoms until the rash clears.

lichen planus home remedies treatment

To use coconut oil, just massage some coconut oil into your scalp and let it sit for awhile. Rinse the essential oil from your hair and shampoo as normal to remove the excess oil. This will help relieve the itchiness, plus, you will smell delicious. Symptoms of chronic hepatitis include fatigue, fever, muscle aches, loss of appetite, and fever. Chronic hepatitis C may be cured in most individuals with drugs that target specific genomes of hepatitis C. Although there is little objective evidence of its benefits, green tea has been suggested as a treatment for lichen planus.

How to Get Rid of Lichen Planus with the help of Natural Remedies?

Applying coconut oil to lichen planus-affected skin might lessen the pain, burning, and itching that comes with the condition. When taking a supplement, be sure to select one that contains piperine, as it dramatically improves the absorption of turmeric. When lichen planus develops in the mouth, expect moderate to severe discomfort.

lichen planus home remedies treatment

As indicated above, liver problems, diuretics and diabetes drugs can raise your risk of getting this disease. Lichen planus is a somewhat common skin ailment that arises in intervals, lasting for months to years. It is a skin condition that typically impacts the lips, scalp, nails, skin, and/or genitalia. It is a persistent, non-infectious, autoimmune skin disorder characterised by flat, reddish to purplish eruptions on any part of the body. Make it a priority while you have lichen planus to spend at least 15 minutes each day, in direct sunlight — without sunscreen. So when possible, roll up your sleeves or pant legs, and expose the affected area during this period.

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You may have your blood drawn to test for hepatitis C, which is a possible trigger for lichen planus. Your doctor removes a small piece of affected tissue for examination under a microscope. The tissue is analyzed to determine whether it has the cell patterns characteristic of lichen planus. When washing your hair, try to avoid skin contact with your shampoo. Use plain water when you wash; avoid using soap products. Lichen planus which affects the penis is characterized by white patches on the penis glans, papules and a rash.

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